Chief Executive Welcome
Chief Executive Welcome
Chief Executive Welcome
Chief Executive Welcome
Welcome to the website of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB).
Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB) provides a comprehensive range of education and training services throughout counties Cavan and Monaghan and is the largest educational provider in the region.
Formed in 2013, CMETB plays a leading role in the provision of high-quality education and training in the region encompassing post-primary schools, Institutes of Further Education and a range of Adult and Further Education centres, Youthreach centres, Outdoor Education, Prison Education, Arts in Education and Youth Services.
CMETB places learning and the learner at the heart of its educational provision.
Since its establishment, CMETB has evolved and grown into its role as a key stakeholder in the region for the provision of a broad range of education and training services. CMETB aims to respond to the needs of students, learners, community and enterprise and contribute to the social and economic prosperity of the region.
I hope this website will give you an insight into the wide range of programmes and services we offer.
If you cannot find what you are looking for or need more specific information, requests can be made via our Contact Us page or by phoning our Monaghan or Cavan Administration Offices.
Dr Fiona McGrath
Príomhfheidhmeannach / Chief Executive
Welcome to the new website of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board.
Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB) provides a comprehensive range of education and training services throughout counties Cavan and Monaghan and is the largest educational provider in the region.
Formed in 2013, CMETB plays a leading role in the provision of high-quality education and training in the region encompassing post-primary schools, Institutes of Further Education and a range of Adult and Further Education centres, Youthreach centres, Outdoor Education, Prison Education, Arts in Education and Youth Services.
CMETB places learning and the learner at the heart of its educational provision.
Since its establishment, CMETB has evolved and grown into its role as a key stakeholder in the region for the provision of a broad range of education and training services. CMETB aims to respond to the needs of students, learners, community and enterprise and contribute to the social and economic prosperity of the region.
I hope this website will give you an insight into the wide range of programmes and services we offer.
If you cannot find what you are looking for or need more specific information, requests can be made via our Contact Us page or by phoning our Monaghan or Cavan Administration Offices.
Dr Fiona McGrath
Príomhfheidhmeannach / Chief Executive
Our Vision
Our Vision
Empowerment through learning and progression for all
Our Mission
Our Mission
To lead and deliver excellence in Education and Training for all
Our Core Values
Our Core Values
Organisation Structure
Organisation Structure

Organisation Support and Development
Organisation Support and Development
Organisation Support and Development
Organisation Support and Development
Central to the delivery of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s (CMETB’s) services is the Organisation Support and Development (OSD) Directorate that plays a critical role in the delivery of CMETB’s non-learning services.
CMETB’s administrative centres are located at its head office in Monaghan and its sub-office in Cavan, both of which play an essential role in allowing educators and trainers to focus on the delivery of educational and training services to students and learners throughout the Cavan and Monaghan region.
The division of CMETB services in its three pillars; Schools, FET and OSD, ensures that all stakeholders have a high-quality learning experience and that CMETB remains innovative, reactive and to the forefront of education and training provision.
The administrative centres provide a full range of services and supports which are delivered under three key pillars, comprising of:
- Human Resources,
- Finance and,
- Corporate Services, which also includes Land and Buildings, Compliance, Procurement and IT.
A key function of the OSD Directorate is to ensure the organisation applies best practice in relation to Corporate Governance and fulfils its requirements under the extensive range of legislation that impacts on the functions of the organisation.
The OSD Directorate works in close collaboration with the Director of Schools and the Director of Further Education and Training, to ensure that the very best supports are provided to our schools, institutes and centres. This structure enables clear areas of responsibility and ensures clarity in terms of accountability and reporting relationships.
Karen McBride
Director of Organisation Support and Development
Central to the delivery of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board’s (CMETB’s) services is the Organisation Support and Development (OSD) Directorate that plays a critical role in the delivery of CMETB’s non-learning services.
CMETB’s administrative centres are located at its head office in Monaghan and its sub-office in Cavan, both of which play an essential role in allowing educators and trainers to focus on the delivery of educational and training services to students and learners throughout the Cavan and Monaghan region.
The division of CMETB services in its three pillars; Schools, FET and OSD, ensures that all stakeholders have a high-quality learning experience and that CMETB remains innovative, reactive and to the forefront of education and training provision.
The administrative centres provide a full range of services and supports which are delivered under three key pillars, comprising of:
- Human Resources,
- Finance and,
- Corporate Services, which also includes Land and Buildings, Compliance, Procurement and IT.
A key function of the OSD Directorate is to ensure the organisation applies best practice in relation to Corporate Governance and fulfils its requirements under the extensive range of legislation that impacts on the functions of the organisation.
The OSD Directorate works in close collaboration with the Director of Schools and the Director of Further Education and Training, to ensure that the very best supports are provided to our schools, institutes and centres. This structure enables clear areas of responsibility and ensures clarity in terms of accountability and reporting relationships.
Karen McBride
Director of Organisation Support and Development