Celbrating Adult Learning in County Cavan
Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB) Community Education and Adult Literacy Graduation took place in the Cavan Crystal Hotel on Monday 02 October. Deirdre Byrne, Adult Education Officer with CMETB, welcomed the large number of learners present to celebrate.
Cllr Clifford Kelly (Deputy Chair, CMETB Board) congratulated the many students who often overcame barriers to return to education with Adult Education Services. Joe McGrath, Chair of the CMETB FET Board, highlighted the exceptional work completed by adult education services throughout the county to provide courses at Levels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in subject areas such as Healthcare, Gardening, ESOL, Literacy and Numeracy, Business, Childcare, Cookery, Woodwork and Computers. Dr Fiona Mc Grath, Chief Executive, CMETB, acknowledged the wonderful work done by coordinators, the guidance service and tutors throughout the county in the delivery of adult education courses. She thanked the families of the learners who continued to support them on their learning journey and she encouraged learners to continue this journey with CMETB.
Siobhan O’Neill Donohoe presented the Jason Donohoe award to learner Sinead Curran. Siobhan told the learners how lucky they are to live in a country where education is respected and available to all and to grab those opportunities. Learner, Sinead Curran gave an empowering speech explaining how she came to the CMETB Literacy service after a medical diagnosis which changed her career path. From completing these courses, she has now managed to secure a permanent job with the Department of Agriculture. She told all present how CMETB really has something for everyone.
Dr Linda Pinkster, Director of Further Education and Training, CMETB, spoke about how the Adult Education door is always open to learners- they simply must make the move to come through it to develop skills and qualifications which can change the trajectory of their life.
Students were then presented with certificates by Joe McGrath (Chairperson, CMETB FET Board), and Cllr. Clifford Kelly (Deputy Chairperson, CMETB Board). Learners, tutors and guests alike then enjoyed a catch up with one another over some refreshments.
We, in the CMETB Adult Education Department, would like to sincerely congratulate all learners on their success and wish them the best for their future.
If you are interested in hearing more about what the adult education service can provide, please call 049-4353952 or call into the CMETB Office, Unit 5 in Churchview Square, Cavan.