QQI Inaugural Review of Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board
Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board (CMETB) is delighted to formally publish the Review Report of the QQI appointed expert panel that undertook the inaugural review in November 2021. The inaugural review process afforded CMETB Further Education and Training (FET) Services the opportunity to critically reflect on and evaluate its work. This valuable exercise brought to the fore numerous insights and perspectives that helped inform our horizon thinking approach to future enhancement and development of CMETB FET Services; an approach that was strongly endorsed by the panel. In particular, CMETB welcomes the panel’s observation that ‘the review team can say with confidence that CMETB engaged with the review process and report write up with a rigorous self-evaluation methodology that is generally consistent with best practice in research.’
The report includes a number of key commendations and recommendations, all of which CMETB accepts. Given that the review was focused on quality assurance, CMETB is pleased to receive confirmation that ‘[its] quality management system, procedures, governance and management of Quality Assurance, including the regularity and systematicity of the QA top-team and sub-groups as emphasized in the SER, was reflected in the main review visit.’ This has provided CMETB with strong reassurance regarding the robust Quality Assurance and Enhancement systems and procedures that have been put in place.
The commendations received also highlight the excellent relationships that CMETB has built with employers and community providers, as well as the ongoing work on updating programmes and on being creative and flexible in how it responds to stakeholders’ varying needs.
The recommendations are equally welcomed by CMETB and are very much in line with the Key Performance Indicators developed as part of the horizons model adopted in developing the Self-Evaluation Report. These recommendations are also in line with the strategic objectives and priorities outlined in the CMETB Further Education and Training Strategy 2021 – 2024.
Furthermore, CMETB welcomes the constructive manner in which the panel presented the recommendations and looks forward to strengthening its processes and procedures in areas such as timely and accessible learner supports, raising the profile of CMETB amongst learners and greater cross centre engagement and sharing of best practice.
CMETB has responded to the panel’s recommendations in an equally positive manner in its Action Plan which has been submitted to and accepted by QQI. CMETB now looks forward to implementing the recommendations of the panel as outlined in the Action Plan.
Both the Review Report and Action Plan are publicly available on the CMETB and QQI websites.
Read the QQI Review Report here